Flora Mention-Smith

“I love Zumba!!! I never thought I would ever find a workout/gym
routine suitable for me. I would always start something but
eventually get bored with it or find excuses to quit. I can truly say
Zumba has changed my outlook on fitness! I have consistency and
commitment that I was looking for! Since Zumba, I have lost 17 pounds and two inches, and I feel great!

I love dancing and I absolutely love my motivated, elevated, and super-charged instructor, Jacuana. Her positive attitude and willingness to make a difference has positively impacted my life! I am always excited about our next upcoming class! Who would’ve ever thought working out could be this much fun!!! All I can say is try it for yourself, I did!!”

~ Flora Mention-Smith

Isn't it time to be a little selfish?

Let's discuss a plan to get you on the right track to living a more Selfish lifestyle.
Focused on becoming a healthier you in order to help the core people around you.